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Goodbye Brisbane Inner West Realty, hello Team Loyle!

7 August 2023

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A word from our Sponsor with the freshest name in the game… Team LOYLE
We’re super excited to show you our new brand and website!  

In the mad rush of starting own boutique agency a couple of years ago, we came up with a logo and site that did the job, but didn’t fully capture our personality, unique approach, and outlook for our business. 

Our sparkling new brand and web presence perfectly aligns with Team Loyle’s vision and values. We hope you love it as much as we do (proud parents right here). 

Why Loyle? 

 ‘Loyle’ is a mix of our surnames – Luck and Doyle. It represents the unique blend of our complementary skills and traits. Along with our team, we’re incredibly proud to inject our authentic selves and unlimited energy into this business – our greatest achievement to date (apart from our beautiful daughter Isabelle, another unique blend of the best bits from both of us). 

A computer on a table

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We’re thrilled to now have a website that reflects our authentic, hard-working, and fun approach to our work. Combining a fresh and accessible look and feel with stacks of useful features and content, it packs a punch without being overwhelming. But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself at loyle.com.au. 

We’d love to hear your thoughts – feedback, suggestions, or just gushing praise (we’re fine with that too). 

What’s changing? 

Our name, logo, and website. You may notice our refreshed photography and branding popping up on sites like realestate.com.au and ratemyagent.com.au, as well as offline advertising like signboards, bus stops, and mail-outs. 

What’s not changing? 

Our team members, our contact details (except for our email), and our commitment to putting the real back in real estate, will all remain the same. 

Call to actions 

Follow New Instagram Account: @teamloyle 

Website: loyle.com.au 

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